Kelly BeruBe
48 papers found
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Microscopy and chemistry of particles collected on TEOM filters: Swansea, south Wales, 1998–1999
Physicochemical characterisation of diesel exhaust particles: Factors for assessing biological activity
Effects of chronic salt stress on the ultrastructure ofDunaliella bioculata(Chlorophyta, Volvocales): mechanisms of response and recovery
The response of lung epithelium to well characterised fine particles
Mechanisms of Asbestos-induced Nitric Oxide Production by Rat Alveolar Macrophages in Inhalation and in vitro Models 11Supported by grants from NHLBI (RO1 HL39469) and NIEHS (RO1 03878).
Comparative proliferative and histopathologic changes in rat lungs after inhalation of chrysotile or crocidolite asbestos
The Determination of Axis Lengths ofDunaliella from the Image Analysis of TEM Sections through Randomly Orientated Cells
The Determination of Volume of Dunaliella Cells by Transmission Electron Microscopy and Image Analysis
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