Sara Di Lonardo
46 papers found
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Joint optimization of land carbon uptake and albedo can help achieve moderate instantaneous and long-term cooling effects
The International Natural Product Sciences Taskforce (INPST) and the power of Twitter networking exemplified through #INPST hashtag analysis
Closing Water Cycles in the Built Environment through Nature-Based Solutions: The Contribution of Vertical Greening Systems and Green Roofs
Composition and emission of VOC from biogas produced by illegally managed waste landfills in Giugliano (Campania, Italy) and potential impact on the local population
Biochar-based nursery substrates: The effect of peat substitution on reduced salinity
The Effects of Biochar and Its Combination with Compost on Lettuce (Lactuca sativaL.) Growth, Soil Properties, and Soil Microbial Activity and Abundance
Association Between Short-Term Exposure to PM2.5 and PM10 and Mortality in Susceptible Subgroups: A Multisite Case-Crossover Analysis of Individual Effect Modifiers
Come la captazione del biogas può minimizzare le emissioni di gas serra dalle discariche di rifiuti
Chestnut Management Practice as Tool for Natural and Cultural Landscaping
Uso del biochar nella coltura in vitro, come alternativa al carbone attivo
Measuring landfills CH4 emission with aircraft, eddy covariance and chambers tecniques
Studio modellistico di ricaduta delle emissioni del termovalorizzatore di Acerra contestualizzato all'interno della realtà territoriale
Influence of road traffic, residential heating and meteorological conditions on PM10 concentrations during air pollution critical episodes
A Preliminary Characterization of Wools from Italian Native Sheep Breeds: Opportunities for New Productions and the Development of Rural Areas
Comparison of biochar effect on chemical and microbiological factors in a pot experiment on lettuce and tomato
The Biochar - A Solution to Enhance Processing Tomato Production
Biochar improve plant yields: results of pot experiment on lettuce and tomato
Biochar stimulates plant growth but not fruit yield of processing tomato in a fertile soil
Il ciclo di vita di coltivazioni a destinazione food-no food: implicazioni ed esempi
Usi multifunzionali di Urtica dioica L.
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