Sami Pirkola
Tampere University
148 papers found
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Enhancing the accuracy of register‐based metrics: Comparing methods for handling overlapping psychiatric register entries in Finnish healthcare registers
Variations in Suicide Risk and Risk Factors After Hospitalization for Depression in Finland, 1996-2017
Mielenterveyden ekosysteemit uuden ajan auraajina
Health-Related Costs of Intimate Partner Violence: Using Linked Police and Health Registers
Patterns of mental health services and mood disorder disability pensions: a standard comparison of Finland’s three largest hospital districts
Socioeconomic status, psychotherapy duration, and return to work from disability due to common mental disorders
Social Psychiatry
Geographical variation in treated psychotic and other mental disorders in Finland by region and urbanicity
Mental health service diversity and work disability: associations of mental health service system characteristics and mood disorder disability pensioning in Finland
Socioeconomic position at the age of 30 and the later risk of a mental disorder: a nationwide population-based register study
Schizophrenia among young people first admitted to psychiatric inpatient care during early and middle adolescence
Lapsuuden psykiatrisilla ja käytöshäiriöillä on yhteys maksuhäiriömerkintöihin
Tieto mielenterveyden häiriöihin liittyvästä kuolleisuudesta tarkentuu
Psychiatric and neurodevelopmental diagnoses in adolescence and adulthood over-indebtedness among Finns born in 1987
Seasonal Effects on Hospitalizations Due to Mood and Psychotic Disorders: A Nationwide 31-Year Register Study
Mortality in persons with recent primary or secondary care contacts for mental disorders in Finland
Socioeconomic factors and use of psychotherapy in common mental disorders predisposing to disability pension
Poor respiratory health outcomes associated with high illness worry and alexithymia: Eleven-year prospective cohort study among the working-age population
Internet-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy (iCBT) for common mental disorders and subsequent sickness absence: a systematic review and meta-analysis
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