Jaume Bordonau
13 papers found
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The impact of online teaching on Geology degree programs during COVID-19: A case study from the University of Barcelona (Spain)
Long-term entrenchment and consequences for present flood hazard in the Garona River (Val d'Aran, Central Pyrenees, Spain)
Did Pyrenean glaciers dance to the beat of global climatic events? Evidence from the Würmian sequence stratigraphy of an ice-dammed palaeolake depocentre in Andorra
Quaternary tectonic activity of the Carboneras Fault in the La Serrata range (SE Iberia): Geomorphological and chronological constraints
Palaeoenvironmental and palaeoseismic implications of a 3700-year sedimentary record from proglacial Lake Barrancs (Maladeta Massif, Central Pyrenees, Spain)
Structure of the large glacial basins in the Northern Iberian Peninsula, a comparison study: Andorra (Eastern Pyrenees), Gállego (Central Pyrenees) and Trueba valley (Cantabric Range) | Structure des grands bassins glaciaires dans le Nord de la Péninsule Ibérique :Comparaison entre les vallées d'Andorre (Pyrénées Orientales), du Gállego (Pyrénées Centrales) et du Trueba (chan̂e Cantabrique)
Late Pleistocene and Holocene glaciation in the Pyrenees: a critical review and new evidence from 10Be exposure ages, south-central Pyrenees
Sampling induced AMS in soft sediments: A case study in Holocene glaciolacustrine rhythmites from Lake Barrancs (Central Pyrenees, Spain)
The sedimentary record of the recent Quaternary from Lake Redo d'Aignes Tortes (Central Pyrenees) | El registro sedimentario del Cuaternario reciente en el lago Redo d'Aigues Tortes (Pirineos Centrales)
An example of a kinking microfabric in Upper Pleistocene glaciolacustrine deposits from Llavorsi (central southern Pyrenees, Spain)
The glaciolacustrine complex of Llestui (central southern Pyrenees): key-locality for the chronology of the last glacial cycle in the Pyrenees
The Upper Pleistocene ice-lateral till complex of Cerler (Esera valley, central Southern Pyrenees: Spain)
Ice-marginal lacustrine sedimentation: the Llestui paleolake (Noguera Ribagorcana Basin, Central southern Pyrenees | Dynamique sedimentaire lacustre de marge glaciaire: le paleolac de Llestui (Noguera Ribagorcana - versant sud des Pyrenees)
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