Emmanuel Ponzevera
70 papers found
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Copper and zinc isotope systematics in different bivalve mollusk species from the French coastline: Implications for biomonitoring
Seasonal and multi-decadal zinc isotope variations in blue mussels from two sites with contrasting zinc contamination levels
Vanishing lead in the Loire River estuary: An example of successful environmental regulation
Copper and lead isotope records from an electroplating activity in sediments and biota from Sepetiba Bay (southeastern Brazil)
Can copper isotope composition in oysters improve marine biomonitoring and seafood traceability?
CS22: an Ocean Science summer school dedicated to the transfer of scientific knowledge and capacity building in developing countries
Sources and transfer of Cu, Hg and Pb into marine food webs using innovative tracers (metal stable isotopes, trophic markers): results of a pilot study in a French coastal area
An international intercomparison exercise on passive samplers (DGT) for monitoring metals in marine waters under a regulatory context
Cu and Zn stable isotopes in suspended particulate matter sub-fractions from the northern Bay of Biscay help identify biogenic and geogenic particle pools
Trace metals and PAHs discharge from ships with Exhaust Gas Cleaning System (EGCS)
Rapport annuel 2021 d’exécution de la convention de financement AFD-Ifremer en appui à la production de connaissances et d’outils pour la protection et la gestion des ressources marines
“Non-traditional” stable isotopes applied to the study of trace metal contaminants in anthropized marine environments
Metal stable isotopes in transplanted oysters as a new tool for monitoring anthropogenic metal bioaccumulation in marine environments: The case for copper
Seasonal trace metal distribution, partition and fluxes in the temperate macrotidal Loire Estuary (France)
Silicon Isotope Analyses of Soil and Plant Reference Materials: An Inter‐Comparison of Seven Laboratories
Application of Zn Isotope Compositions in Oysters to Monitor and Quantify Anthropogenic Zn Bioaccumulation in Marine Environments over Four Decades: A “Mussel Watch Program” Upgrade
Working Group on Shipping Impacts in the Marine Environment (WGSHIP)
20 ans de suivi de la contamination chimique des eaux côtières méditerranéennes. Résultats & perspectives
Differences in Copper Isotope Fractionation Between Mussels (Regulators) and Oysters (Hyperaccumulators): Insights from a Ten-Year Biomonitoring Study
Emergent’Sea Recherche de Substances d’intérêt Emergent en Milieu Marin
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