Hiroaki Saito
Soma Central Hospital
57 papers found
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Reassessing physician interactions with pharmaceutical companies: A response to Murayama et al. and analysis of survey discrepancies
Health Information Seeking on the Internet Among Patients With and Without Cancer in a Region Affected by the 2011 Fukushima Triple Disaster: Cross-Sectional Study
Continued cancer drug approvals in Japan and Europe after market withdrawal in the United States: A comparative study of accelerated approvals
The difficulty of nuclear emergency prevention measures during natural disasters: ongoing challenges in Japan
Two-Year-Span Breast Cancer Screening Uptake in Japan after the COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Association with the COVID-19 Vaccination
Understanding Reasons for Vaccination Hesitancy and Implementing Effective Countermeasures: An Online Survey of Individuals Unvaccinated against COVID-19
Japanese physicians' perceptions of conflicts of interest with pharmaceutical companies: Estimating two different questioning approaches
Association between Conflicts of Interest Disclosure and Quality of Clinical Practice Guidelines in Japan: A Meta-Epidemiological Study
Usefulness of the S-O clip for duodenal endoscopic submucosal dissection: a propensity score-matched study
Antibody Profiling of Microbial Antigens in the Blood of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Recipients Using Microbial Protein Microarrays
Association between the deaths indirectly caused by the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident (disaster-related deaths) and pre-disaster long-term care certificate level: A retrospective observational analysis
Multisite Lifestyle for Older People after the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster
The necessity of proactive measures from healthcare providers highlighted by delayed breast cancer diagnosis due to COVID‐19: A case report
Characteristics and Distribution of Scholarship Donations From Pharmaceutical Companies to Japanese Healthcare Institutions in 2017: A Cross-sectional Analysis
Research and Nonresearch Industry Payments to Nephrologists in the United States between 2014 and 2021
Varying Cellular Immune Response against SARS-CoV-2 after the Booster Vaccination: A Cohort Study from Fukushima Vaccination Community Survey, Japan
Why Do They Not Come Home? Three Cases of Fukushima Nuclear Accident Evacuees
Japan's valsartan clinical trials shambles; time for fundamental changes
Antibody and T-Cell Responses against SARS-CoV-2 after Booster Vaccination in Patients on Dialysis: A Prospective Observational Study
Pharmaceutical Payments to Japanese Board-Certified Infectious Disease Specialists: A Four-Year Retrospective Analysis of Payments from 92 Pharmaceutical Companies between 2016 and 2019
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