Craig Johnson
University of Michigan
27 papers found
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Small-Molecule Inhibition of Rho/MKL/SRF Transcription in Prostate Cancer Cells: Modulation of Cell Cycle, ER Stress, and Metastasis Gene Networks
Resuscitation With Valproic Acid Alters Inflammatory Genes in a Porcine Model of Combined Traumatic Brain Injury and Hemorrhagic Shock
Effect of pharmacologic resuscitation on the brain gene expression profiles in a swine model of traumatic brain injury and hemorrhage
A Novel Intergenic ETnII-β Insertion Mutation Causes Multiple Malformations in Polypodia Mice
Distinct Gene Expression Profiles of Viral- and Nonviral-Associated Merkel Cell Carcinoma Revealed by Transcriptome Analysis
Multiple Roles for the Non-Coding RNA SRA in Regulation of Adipogenesis and Insulin Sensitivity
Oncogenic KRAS modulates mitochondrial metabolism in human colon cancer cells by inducing HIF-1α and HIF-2α target genes
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