Line M. Nanque
7 papers found
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Evaluating the effects of polio vaccines on general child health in Guinea-Bissau
Overall effect of a campaign with measles vaccine on the composite outcome mortality or hospital admission: A cluster-randomized trial among children aged 9-59 months in rural Guinea-Bissau
Maximising the lessons learned from trial data after emergency use listing of a novel oral polio vaccine
Oral polio revaccination is associated with changes in gut and upper respiratory microbiomes of infants
Oral Polio Vaccine to Mitigate the Risk of Illness and Mortality During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic: A Cluster-Randomized Trial in Guinea-Bissau
Effect of Distributing Locally Produced Cloth Facemasks on COVID-19-Like Illness and All-Cause Mortality – a Cluster-Randomised Controlled Trial in Urban Guinea-Bissau
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