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α decay ofRe159and proton emission fromTa155
UploadFirst identification of excited states inIr169
Uploadα decay studies of the nuclidesU218andU219
UploadObservation of a Rotational Band in the Odd-ZTransfermium NucleusMd101251
UploadInvestigation of nuclear collectivity in the neutron mid-shell nucleusPb186
UploadDiscovery of the proton emitting nucleus [sup 159]Re
UploadEvidence for enhanced collectivity in Te-I-Xe nuclei near the N = Z = 50 double shell closure
UploadSpectroscopy of the very neutron-deficient [sup 189]Bi
UploadIsomer Studies for Nuclei near the Proton Drip Line in the Mass 130-160 Region.
UploadCoulomb shifts and shape changes in the mass 70 region
Download from arxiv.orgProbing the limit of nuclear existence: Proton emission from 159Re
Download from doi.orgHigh-spin states in the proton-unbound nucleusRe161
UploadCollectivity and Configuration Mixing inPb186,188andPo194
UploadYrast states and band crossings in the neutron-deficient platinum isotopesPt169−173
UploadIn-beam gamma ray and conversion electron study ofFm250
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