Mats Tysklind
148 papers found
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Environmental risk assessment of antibiotics in the Swedish environment with emphasis on sewage treatment plants
Characterization and classification of complex PAH samples using GC–qMS and GC–TOFMS
Multivariate data analysis of organochlorines and brominated flame retardants in Baltic Sea guillemot (Uria aalge) egg and muscle
Partitioning of CPs, PCDEs, and PCDD/Fs between Particulate and Experimentally Enhanced Dissolved Natural Organic Matter in a Contaminated Soil
Megavariate Analysis of Environmental QSAR Data. Part II – Investigating Very Complex Problem Formulations Using Hierarchical, Non-Linear and Batch-Wise Extensions of PCA and PLS
Megavariate analysis of environmental QSAR data. Part I – A basic framework founded on principal component analysis (PCA), partial least squares (PLS), and statistical molecular design (SMD)
Origin of PCDDs in Ball Clay Assessed with Compound-Specific Chlorine Isotope Analysis and Radiocarbon Dating
The 2005 World Health Organization reevaluation of human and mammalian toxic equivalency factors for dioxins and dioxin-like compounds
Behavior of Fluoroquinolones and Trimethoprim during Mechanical, Chemical, and Active Sludge Treatment of Sewage Water and Digestion of Sludge
Effect of Sewage-Sludge Application on Concentrations of Higher-Brominated Diphenyl Ethers in Soils and Earthworms
Multivariate Data Analyses of Chlorinated and Brominated Contaminants and Biological Characteristics in Adult Guillemot ( Uria aalge ) from the Baltic Sea
A Statistical Resampling Method To Calculate Biomagnification Factors Exemplified with Organochlorine Data from Herring ( Clupea harengus ) Muscle and Guillemot ( Uria aalge ) Egg from the Baltic Sea
Ah Receptor Agonists in UV-exposed Toluene Solutions of Decabromodiphenyl Ether (decaBDE) and in Soils Contaminated with Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs) (9 pp)
Screening of Human Antibiotic Substances and Determination of Weekly Mass Flows in Five Sewage Treatment Plants in Sweden
PAHs and nitrated PAHs in air of five European countries determined using SPMDs as passive samplers
An overview of OSPAR priority compounds and selection of a representative training set
Determination of antibiotic substances in hospital sewage water using solid phase extraction and liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry and group analogue internal standards
Olfactory mucosal toxicity screening and multivariate QSAR modeling for chlorinated benzene derivatives
Investigations into the Vertical Distribution of PCDDs and Mineralogy in Three Ball Clay Cores from the United States Exhibiting the Natural Formation Pattern
Low-resolution mass spectrometric relative response factors (RRFs) and relative retention times (RRTs) on two common gas chromatographic stationary phases for 87 polychlorinated dibenzofurans
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