Peter Tavel
Cyrilometodejská Teologická Fakulta Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci
67 papers found
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Reminiscing to teach others and prepare for death is associated with meaning in life through generative behavior in elderlies from four cultures
Spirituality but not Religiosity Is Associated with Better Health and Higher Life Satisfaction among Adolescents
Components of cultural complexity relating to emotions: A conceptual framework
Everybody needs to believe in something: Spiritual beliefs of non-religious Czech adolescents.
Generativity affects fear of death through ego integrity in German, Czech, and Cameroonian older adults
Adolescent religious attendance and spirituality—Are they associated with leisure-time choices?
“I am spiritual, but not religious”: Does one without the other protect against adolescent health-risk behaviour?
Psychometric analysis of the czech version of childhood trauma questionnaire (CTQ) with the sociodemografic differences in traumatization of czech adults,Psychometrická analýza českej verzie dotazníka trauma z dětství (Ctq) so sociodemografickými rozdielmi v traumatizácii dospelých obyvateľov českej republiky
The experiences of close relationships-revised (Ecr-r) and sociodemographic differences in attachment anxiety and avoidance,Dotazník prožívání blízkých vztahů (Ecr-r) a sociodemografické rozdiely vo vzťahovej úzkostnosti a vyhýbavosti
Psychometric evaluation of the functional assessment of chronic illness therapy-spiritual well-being (Facit-sp) scale in the czech environment,Psychometrická analýza škály funkčního posouzení terapie chronických nemocí – spirituální osobní pohoda (Facit-sp) v českém prostředí
The psychometric analysis of the czech version of the sf-8 health survey,Psychometrická analýza české verze dotazníku zdraví a spokojenosti (Sf-8 health survey)
Psychometric characteristics of the czech version of the brief symptom inventory (Bsi-53),Psychometrické charakteristiky české verze stručného inventáře příznaků (Bsi-53)
Amygdala and emotionality in Parkinson's disease: An integrative review of the neuropsychological evidence
Psychometric evaluation of the daily spiritual experience scale (Dses) in the czech environment,Psychometrická analýza škály každodenní spirituální zkušenosti (Dses) v českém prostředí
The life stressor checklist (Lsc-r): The occurrence of stressors in adult czech population and the association with health,Dotazník životních stresorů (Lsc-r): výskyt stresorov u dospelých obyvateľov čr a súvis so zdravím
Psychometric evaluation of the religious and spiritual struggles scale (Rss) in the czech environment,Psychometrická analýza škály náboženských a duchovních zápasů (Rss) v českém prostředí
Understanding death, suicide and self-injury among adherents of the emo youth subculture: A qualitative study
National collective identity in transitional societies: Salience and relations to life satisfaction for youth in South Africa, Albania, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Kosovo and Romania
Is Spiritual Well-Being Among Adolescents Associated with a Lower Level of Bullying Behaviour? The Mediating Effect of Perceived Bullying Behaviour of Peers
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