Caroline Meyer
13 papers found
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Replicability and reproducibility of predictive models for diagnosis of depression among young adults using Electronic Health Records
Prediction and diagnosis of depression using machine learning with electronic health records data: a systematic review
Computational Analysis of Superfood Representations in News Media
Digital Training Program for Line Managers (Managing Minds at Work): Protocol for A Feasibility Pilot Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial (Preprint)
Evidence for feasibility of implementing online brief cognitive‐behavioral therapy for eating disorder pathology in the workplace
Dancing with change: a qualitative exploration of in-session motivation to change in the treatment of anorexia nervosa
Content and validity of claims made about Food Parenting Practices in UK online news articles: Qualitative analysis. (Preprint)
Who uses custom sports betting products?
Factors influencing employees' eating behaviours in the office‐based workplace: A systematic review
Profiling Commenters on Mental Health–Related Online Forums: A Methodological Example Focusing on Eating Disorder–Related Commenters
Profiling Commenters on Mental Health–Related Online Forums: A Methodological Example Focusing on Eating Disorder–Related Commenters (Preprint)
Examining Factors of Engagement With Digital Interventions for Weight Management: Rapid Review
The Compulsive Exercise Test: confirmatory factor analysis and links with eating psychopathology among women with clinical eating disorders
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