Lorraine Carroll
12 papers found
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Pregnancy, birth and neonatal outcomes associated with reduced fetal movements: A systematic review and meta-analysis of non-randomised studies
Virtual reality in midwifery education: A mixed methods study to assess learning and understanding
Development and validation of a script concordance test to assess biosciences clinical reasoning skills: A cross-sectional study of 1st year undergraduate nursing students
‘Labour Hopscotch’: Women’s evaluation of using the steps during labor
Midwifery students' experiences of objective structured clinical examinations: A qualitative evidence synthesis
Embedding continuity of care into a midwifery curriculum in the Republic of Ireland: A historical context
Exploring midwives’ experiences of implementing the Labour Hopscotch Framework: A midwifery innovation
Nursing & Midwifery students’ experience of immersive virtual reality storytelling: an evaluative study
Perineal Management: Midwives’ confidence and educational needs
Risk factors for reduced fetal movements in pregnancy: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Evaluation of a national training programme to support engagement in mental health services: Learning enablers and learning gains
Nursing and midwifery students' perception of learning enablers and gains in the first semester of their BSc programmes: A cross sectional study
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