Vaughan Keeley
10 papers found
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LymphActiv: A Digital Physical Activity Behavior Intervention for the Treatment of Lymphedema and Lipedema
A Prospective Preliminary Study Examining the Physiological Impact of Pneumatic Compression Dosing in the Treatment of Lower Extremity Lymphedema
The Quality of Life after Lymphaticovenous Anastomosis in 118 Lower Limb Lymphedema Patients
Redefining WILD syndrome: a primary lymphatic dysplasia with congenital multisegmental lymphoedema, cutaneous lymphovascular malformation, CD4 lymphopaenia and warts
Quality of Life and Costs Within Decongestive Lymphatic Therapy in Patients with Leg Lymphedema: A Multicountry, Open-Label, Prospective Study
Prevalence and Impact of Chronic Edema in Bariatric Patients: A LIMPRINT Study
Factors Predicting Limb Volume Reduction Using Compression Bandaging Within Decongestive Lymphatic Therapy in Lymphedema: A Multicountry Prospective Study
Prognostic models of survival in patients with advanced incurable cancer: the PiPS2 observational study
Drugs and Breast Cancer–Related Lymphoedema (BCRL): Incidence and Progression
Individualising breast cancer treatment to improve survival and minimise complications in older women: a research programme including the PLACE RCT
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