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Sequence variants associating with urinary biomarkers
UploadMAP1B mutations cause intellectual disability and extensive white matter deficit
Download from www.nature.comVariants inNKX2-5andFLNCCause Dilated Cardiomyopathy and Sudden Cardiac Death
UploadBiobank-driven genomic discovery yields new insight into atrial fibrillation biology
Download from www.nature.comExome-chip meta-analysis identifies novel loci associated with cardiac conduction, including ADAMTS6
Download from link.springer.comCoding variants in RPL3L and MYZAP increase risk of atrial fibrillation
Download from www.nature.comA truncating mutation in EPOR leads to hypo-responsiveness to erythropoietin with normal haemoglobin
Download from www.nature.comA rare missense mutation in MYH6 associates with non-syndromic coarctation of the aorta
Download from academic.oup.comGenome-wide association study of 1 million people identifies 111 loci for atrial fibrillation
UploadMutations in RPL3L and MYZAP increase risk of atrial fibrillation
UploadA Missense Variant in PLEC Increases Risk of Atrial Fibrillation
UploadA rare missense mutation inMYH6confers high risk of coarctation of the aorta
UploadTruncating mutations in RBM12 are associated with psychosis
Download from www.nature.comIdentification of sequence variants influencing immunoglobulin levels
Download from www.nature.comA rare IL33 loss-of-function mutation reduces blood eosinophil counts and protects from asthma
Download from doi.orgSequence variant at 8q24.21 associates with sciatica caused by lumbar disc herniation
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