Tiina Laatikainen
University of Eastern Finland
435 papers found
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Savullisen tupakoinnin vaikutukset terveyteen
Vesipiipun polttamisen terveyshaitat
Suomen ulkomaalaistaustaisen väestön terveys
Alcoholic beverage preference and diabetes incidence across Europe: the Consortium on Health and Ageing Network of Cohorts in Europe and the United States (CHANCES) project
Monipuolinen ravinto turvaa lapsen terveellisen kasvun ja kehityksen
Luontoaskel tarttumattomien tulehdustautien torjumiseksi : "Nature step" to prevent noncommunicable inflammatory diseases
" Nature step" to prevent noncommunicable inflammatory disease.
Health promotion among the population of foreign origin in Finland involves special issues.
Tietolähteenä Avohilmo-rekisteri Lasten ylipainon valtakunnallinen seuranta : Register of Primary Health Care Visits (Avohilmo) as data source for monitoring the prevalence of overweight among Finnish children
Liikuntaneuvonta osaksi moniammatillisten tiimien työtä pitkäaikaissairaiden hoidossa
High-sensitivity cardiac troponin I and NT-proBNP as predictors of incident dementia and Alzheimer’s disease: the FINRISK Study
Development of a Late-Life Dementia Prediction Index with Supervised Machine Learning in the Population-Based CAIDE Study
Eveningness has the increased odds for spinal diseases but the decreased odds for articular diseases with prospective hospital treatments
Leisure-Time and Occupational Physical Activity in Early and Late Adulthood in Relation to Later Life Physical Functioning
Apolipoproteins and HDL cholesterol do not associate with the risk of future dementia and Alzheimer's disease: the National Finnish population study (FINRISK)
The prevalence of heat-related cardiorespiratory symptoms: the vulnerable groups identified from the National FINRISK 2007 Study
Worldwide trends in blood pressure from 1975 to 2015: a pooled analysis of 1,479 population-based measurement studies with 19.1 million participants
Family characteristics and parents' and children's health behaviour are associated with public health nurses' concerns at children's health examinations
Erratum to "Exploring potential mortality reductions in 9 European countries by improving diet and lifestyle: A modelling approach" [Int. J. Cardiol. 207 (2016) 286-291].
Associations of common chronic non-communicable diseases and medical conditions with sleep-related problems in a population-based health examination study
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