Seoung Soo Lee
26 papers found
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Surface‐Atmosphere Decoupling Prolongs Cloud Lifetime Under Warm Advection Due To Reduced Entrainment Drying
Examination of aerosol impacts on convective clouds and precipitation in two metropolitan areas in East Asia; how varying depths of convective clouds between the areas diversify those aerosol effects?
Midlatitude mixed-phase stratocumulus clouds and their interactions with aerosols: how ice processes affect microphysical, dynamic, and thermodynamic development in those clouds and interactions?
Mid-latitude mixed-phase stratocumulus clouds and their interactions with aerosols: how ice processes affect microphysical, dynamic and thermodynamic development in those clouds and interactions?
The role of aerosol spatial inhomogeneity in mixed-phase deep convective clouds and torrential rain in urban areas
Approximated expression of the hygroscopic growth factor for polydispersed aerosols
The mechanisms and seasonal differences of the impact of aerosols on daytime surface urban heat island effect
Examination of effects of aerosols on a pyroCb and their dependence on fire intensity and aerosol perturbation
Supplementary material to "Opposite Effects of Aerosols on Daytime Urban Heat Island Intensity between Summer and Winter"
Opposite Effects of Aerosols on Daytime Urban Heat Island Intensity between Summer and Winter
East Asian Study of Tropospheric Aerosols and their Impact on Regional Clouds, Precipitation, and Climate (EAST‐AIR CPC )
Authors' responses to the reviewer 2
Authors' responses to the reviewer 1
Examination of effects of aerosols on a pyroCb and their dependence on fire intensity and aerosol perturbation using a cloud-system resolving model
The Great Slave Lake PyroCb of 5 August 2014: Observations, Simulations, Comparisons With Regular Convection, and Impact on UTLS Water Vapor
Authors' responses to the comments by the reviewer 1
Authors' responses to the comments by the reviewer 2
Authors' responses to the comments by the reviewers
Comparisons of spectral aerosol single scattering albedo in Seoul, South Korea
Aerosol as a potential factor to control the increasing torrential rain events in urban areas over the last decades
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