Karin Hek
43 papers found
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Incentivizing appropriate prescribing in primary care: Development and first results of an electronic health record-based pay-for-performance scheme
Primary nonadherence to drugs prescribed by general practitioners: A Dutch database study
Opioid prescribing in out-of-hours primary care in Flanders and the Netherlands: A retrospective cross-sectional study
Antibiotic Prescribing in Dutch Daytime and Out-of-Hours General Practice during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Retrospective Database Study
Guideline Adherence in Antibiotic Prescribing to Patients with Respiratory Diseases in Primary Care: Prevalence and Practice Variation
Use of Opioids Increases With Age in Older Adults: An Observational Study (2005–2017)
Nieuw onderzoek naar afbouwen antihypertensiva bij ouderen
Leidt samen beslissen tot minder antibioticagebruik?
Acknowledgement to reviewers of informatics in 2018
Manual drawn up for general practitioners taking part in the DEBATE study: Deprescribing antihypertensive drugs proves difficult without guidelines,Deprescribing antihypertensiva blijkt lastig zonder richtlijnen
The influence of gender concordance between general practitioner and patient on antibiotic prescribing for sore throat symptoms: a retrospective study
Non-adherence to antidepressants among older patients with depression: a longitudinal cohort study in primary care
Laxative co-medication and changes in defecation patterns during opioid use
Non-adherence to cardiovascular drugs in older patients with depression: A population-based cohort study
Does shared decision-making reduce antibiotic prescribing in primary care?
Is there a conflict between general practitioners applying guidelines for antibiotic prescribing and including their patients’ preferences?
Partner notification and partner treatment for chlamydia: attitude and practice of general practitioners in the Netherlands; a landscape analysis
Age-Specific Antibiotic Prescribing and Adherence to Guidelines in Pediatric Patients in Primary Care:
Adults start too fast with a combination of inhalation medication: General practitioners often still deviate from asthma and COPD guidelines,Volwassenen starten te snel met een combinatie van inhalatiemedicatie: Huisartsen wijken nog vaak af van astma-en COPD-richtlijn
Inter-practice variation in polypharmacy prevalence amongst older patients in primary care,Bij iedere huisarts evenveel pillen? Inter -pr aktijkv ari atie in pol yfarmacie
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