Jochen Cals
Maastricht University
199 papers found
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Enhancing patient understanding of laboratory test results: a systematic review of presentation formats and their impact on perception, decision, action, and memory (Preprint)
Patients’ Experiences, Expectations, Motivations, and Perspectives around Urinary Tract Infection Care in General Practice: A Qualitative Interview Study
Physician-Targeted Interventions in Antibiotic Prescribing for Urinary Tract Infections in General Practice: A Systematic Review
Trends in antibiotic prescribing in Dutch general practice and determinants of nonprudent antibiotic prescriptions
C-reactive protein point-of-care testing for safely reducing antibiotics for acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: the PACE RCT
Accuracy and interobserver-agreement of respiratory rate measurements by healthcare professionals, and its effect on the outcomes of clinical prediction/diagnostic rules
Pertussis diagnostic practices of general practitioners in the Netherlands: A survey study
De huisarts is een prima sneltest bij pijn op de borst
C-Reactive Protein Testing to Guide Antibiotic Prescribing for COPD Exacerbations
A Nationwide Flash-Mob Study for Suspected Acute Coronary Syndrome
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General practitioner use of D-dimer in suspected venous thromboembolism: historical cohort study in one geographical region in the Netherlands
Antibiotic Prescribing for Acute Respiratory Tract Infections 12 Months After Communication and CRP Training: A Randomized Trial
Characteristics of the prehospital phase of adult emergency department patients with an infection: A prospective pilot study
Influenzasneltests voor de huisartsenpraktijk en SEH
Medische verzoeken van familie en vrienden: Hoe ga je daar mee om?
Influenza point-of-care test in the GP practice and Emergency Department; analytical accuracy and added value,Influenzasneltests voor de huisartsenpraktijk en SEH
Continuity of care in primary care: A bygone ideal or new perspective?,Continuïteit van de huisartsenzorg
Optimizing decision-making among childcare staff on fever and common infections: cluster randomized controlled trial
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