Angelo Basile
140 papers found
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[Physical properties and modelling of water storage in relationship with trigger for Sarno landslide-May 1998 [Campania]]
Libro de actas 2003.
Hysteresis in soil water characteristics as a key to interpreting comparisons of laboratory and field measured hydraulic properties
Unsaturated Hydraulic Characterization of Carbonatic Rock in the Laboratory
Zoning viticulture in the Valle Telesina (Province of Benevento, Campania Region, Southern Italy): a methodological approach
I suoli delle aree di crisi di Quindici e Sarno: proprietà e comportamenti in relazione ai fenomeni franosi
I suoli delle aree di crisi di Quindici e Sarno: aspetti pedogeografici in relazione ai fenomeni franosi del 1998
The study of soil structure by coupling serial sections and 3D image analysis
The soils of the landslides of Sarno and Quindici
Change of hydraulic properties and solute transport parameters in volcanic soils after drying
Il suolo e la protezione degli acquiferi: studio pedologico e idrologico dei suoli della piana del F. Sarno (Campania)
Experimental corrections of simplified methods for predicting water retention curves in clay-loamy soils from particle-size determination
Physico-empirical approach for mapping soil hydraulic behaviour
Effetti dell'essiccamento sulle proprietà fisiche e chimiche di andisuoli: indagini preliminari
Temporal stability of spatial patterns of soil water storage in a cultivated Vesuvian soil
Spatial and temporal variation of soil water content [cropped with barley]
Trace element pollution in Italian volcanic soils: the case study of the Solofrana river valley
Field and laboratory studies towards better use of saline irrigation water in NW China
1) Institute for Mediterranean Agricultural and Forest Systems-Italian National Research Council (ISAFoM-CNR) Ercolano (NA), Italy 2) Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands (maria. riccardi@ cnr. it)
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