Vasiliy Akimkin
Central Research Institute of Epidemiology
50 papers found
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Nosocomial salmonellosis as an independent nosological form of human infectious pathology,Nozokomial'nyi sal'monellez kak samostoiatel'naia nozologicheskaia forma infektsionnoi patologii cheloveka.
The organizational bases and functional directions in the activities of the hospital epidemiologist,Organizatsionnye osnovy i funktsional'nye napravleniia deiatel'nosti gospital'nogo épidemiologa.
The structure of hospital infections in large hospitals,Struktura vnutribol'nichnykh infektsii v krupnykh gospitaliakh.
The organization of the collection, transportation and decontamination of medical wastes in medical treatment and prevention institutions,Organizatsiia sbora, transportirovki i obezvrezhivaniia meditsinskikh otkhodov v lechebno-profilakticheskikh uchrezhdeniiakh.
An epidemiological evaluation of the incidence of detecting markers of hepatitis B and C viral infection in the blood of the medical personnel of a large general hospital,Epidemiologicheskaia otsenka chastoty vyiavleniia markerov infitsirovaniia virusami gepatitov B i C v krovi meditsinskogo personala krupnogo mnogoprofil'nogo lechebnogo uchrezhdeniia.
The vaccination of medical personnel as the most important link in the prevention of viral hepatitis B,Vaktsinatsiia meditsinskogo personala kak vazhneishee zveno profilaktiki virusnogo gepatita B.
Salmonella infection in a large general hospital,Sal'monelleznaia infektsiia v krupnom mnogoprofil'nom statsionare.
The epidemiological and organizational aspects of the prevention of hospital infections,Epidemiologicheskie i organizatsionnye aspekty profilaktiki gospital'nykh infektsii.
The epidemiological and immunological efficacy of revaccination against diphtheria,Epidemiologicheskaia i immunologicheskaia éffektivnost' revaktsinatsii protiv difterii.
Experience in eliminating hospital salmonellosis in a large general treatment institution,Opyt likvidatsii vnutrigospital'nogo sal'monelleza v krupnom mnogoprofil'nom lechebnom uchrezhdenii.
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