Rob Wilson
Northumbria University
7 papers found
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Enhancing making every contact count (MECC) training and delivery for the third and social economy (TSE) sector: a strategic behavioural analysis
Mapping regional implementation of ‘Making Every Contact Count’: mixed-methods evaluation of implementation stage, strategies, barriers and facilitators of implementation
Establishing an updated consensus on the conceptual and operational definitions of Making Every Contact Count (MECC) across experts within research and practice: an international Delphi Study
“You Go There and You are Welcomed and People do not Judge”: A Reflexive Thematic Analysis of Service Providers’ and Users’ Views of Brief Health and Wellbeing Conversations within the Third and Social Economy Sector
A Systematic Review of the Effectiveness of Brief Health Behaviour Change Interventions on Service Users Accessing the Third and Social Economy Sector
Exploring the Effects of Volunteering on the Social, Mental, and Physical Health and Well-being of Volunteers: An Umbrella Review
Theme: Futures in social investment? Learning from the emerging policy and practice of Social Impact Bonds (SIBs)
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