Per Meyer Jepsen
Roskilde University
5 papers found
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Testing the yield of a pilot‐scale bubble column photobioreactor for cultivation of the microalgaRhodomonas salinaas feed for intensive calanoid copepod cultures
Effects of Salinity, Commercial Salts, and Water Type on Cultivation of the Cryptophyte Microalgae Rhodomonas salina and the Calanoid Copepod Acartia tonsa
Interactions between populations of the calanoid copepodAcartia tonsaDana and the harpacticoid copepodTisbe holothuriaeHumes in mixed cultures of live feed for fish larvae
A production season of turbot larvaeScophthalmus maximus(Linnaeus, 1758) reared on copepods in a Danish (56°N) semi-intensive outdoor system
A comprehensive and precise quantification of the calanoid copepod Acartia tonsa (Dana) for intensive live feed cultures using an automated ZooImage system
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