Yafang Cheng
75 papers found
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Influence of soot mixing state on aerosol light absorption and single scattering albedo during air mass aging at a polluted regional site in northeastern China
Application of the Volatility-TDMA Technique to Determine the Number Size Distribution and Mass Concentration of Less Volatile Particles
Relative humidity dependence of aerosol optical properties and direct radiative forcing in the surface boundary layer at Xinken in Pearl River Delta of China: An observation based numerical study
Hygroscopic properties and extinction of aerosol particles at ambient relative humidity in South-Eastern China
Aerosol number size distribution and new particle formation at a rural/coastal site in Pearl River Delta (PRD) of China
Aerosol optical properties and related chemical apportionment at Xinken in Pearl River Delta of China
Observation of nighttime nitrous acid (HONO) formation at a non-urban site during PRIDE-PRD2004 in China
Nitrous acid (HONO) and its daytime sources at a rural site during the 2004 PRIDE-PRD experiment in China
Traffic restrictions in Beijing during the Sino-African Summit 2006: aerosol size distribution and visibility compared to long-term in situ observations
Analysis on concentration and source rate of precursor vapors participating in particle formation and growth at xinken in the Pearl River Delta of China
Influences of relative humidity and particle chemical composition on aerosol scattering properties during the 2006 PRD campaign
Regional ozone pollution and observation-based approach for analyzing ozone-precursor relationship during the PRIDE-PRD2004 campaign
Mixing state of elemental carbon and non-light-absorbing aerosol components derived from in situ particle optical properties at Xinken in Pearl River Delta of China
Strong particle light absorption over the Pearl River Delta (south China) and Beijing (north China) determined from combined Raman lidar and Sun photometer observations
Retrieval of aerosol properties from combined multiwavelength lidar and sunphotometer measurements
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