Timo Eppig
Universität des Saarlandes
9 papers found
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First results with a new intraocular lens design for the individual correction of spherical aberration
Impact of intraocular lens displacement on the fixation axis
Endothelial alterations in 712 keratoconus patients
Complementary Keratoconus Indices Based on Topographical Interpretation of Biomechanical Waveform Parameters: A Supplement to Established Keratoconus Indices
A comparison of small aperture implants providing increased depth of focus in pseudophakic eyes
Comparison of 3 biometry devices in cataract patients
Staging of Keratoconus Indices Regarding Tomography, Topography, and Biomechanical Measurements
Is the Memory Effect of the Blind Spot Involved in Negative Dysphotopsia after Cataract Surgery?
Vignetting and Field of View with the KAMRA Corneal Inlay
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