Bin Cui
Peking University
248 papers found
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Fine-grained probability counting for cardinality estimation of data streams
CO 2
CRAN: A Hybrid CNN-RNN Attention-Based Model for Text Classification
CUTE: Querying Knowledge Graphs by Tabular Examples
GLM+: An Efficient System for Generalized Linear Models
Single Hash: Use One Hash Function to Build Faster Hash Based Data Structures
HybriG: A Distributed Storage Architecture for Efficiently Processing Property Graph with Massive Multi-Edges,HybriG:一种高效处理大量重边的属性图存储架构
SSS: An Accurate and Fast Algorithm for Finding Top-k Hot Items in Data Streams
Fine-Grained Probability Counting: Refined LogLog Algorithm
Effective and Efficient Approach for Graph De-Anonymization
ABC: A practicable sketch framework for non-uniform multisets
Fast Parallel Path Concatenation for Graph Extraction
TencentBoost: A Gradient Boosting Tree System with Parameter Server
From Raw Footprints to Personal Interests: Bridging the Semantic Gap via Trip Intention Aggregation
SF-sketch: A Fast, Accurate, and Memory Efficient Data Structure to Store Frequencies of Data Items
Angel: a new large-scale machine learning system
SF-sketch: A two-stage sketch for data streams
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