Manuel Gabriel Walde
Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research
9 papers found
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Stable Isotope Labelling Reveals Water and Carbon Fluxes in Temperate Tree Saplings Before Budbreak
Enhanced secondary growth induced by warmer temperatures in early summer advances autumn leaf senescence in temperate saplings
Feasting on the ordinary or starving for the exceptional in a warming climate: Phenological synchrony between spongy moth (Lymantria dispar) and budburst of six European tree species
Impact of a damaging spring frost followed by a summer drought on saplings of four temperate species
Phenology and competitiveness of three temperate tree species in the juvenile stage under warmer springs and drier summers
Higher spring phenological sensitivity to forcing temperatures of Asian compared to European tree species under low and high pre-chilling conditions
Both diversity and functional composition affect productivity and water use efficiency in experimental temperate grasslands
Impact of microclimatic conditions and resource availability on spring and autumn phenology of temperate tree seedlings
Isotopically labelled water - A valuable tracer to track initiation and progress of bud dormancy in temperate trees
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