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The main objective of this study was to determine the prevalence and anatomical distribution of pruritus in 6532 pregnant women from a UK antenatal population. Pregnant women attending and completing antenatal care at two general hospitals over a 12-month period were recruited and contacted on three occasions by post. Medical advice and a questionnaire detailing the nature and severity of their pruritus were included. Pruritus in pregnancy, as reported by questionnaire, affected approximately 23% of pregnancies ( n = 1521/6532 women) and 1.6% ( n = 25) of these women developed obstetric cholestasis (OC). Overall, 0.66% of the antenatal population (43/6532) had a clinical diagnosis of OC (95% CI: 0.48–0.89%). Itching unrelated to OC was most commonly reported to be worst on the abdomen (31%, 616/2014). Women with OC reported pruritus to be most severe on the palms and soles in 16% (4/25) and ‘all over’ in 24% (6/25) compared with 5% (54/1120) ( P < 0.05) and 4% (42/1120, P < 0.0001) of those without OC. In conclusion, pruritus affected approximately one in four women and OC one in 135 women during the study period. Women whose pruritus is ‘all over’ or most severe on the ‘palms or soles’ may be at greater risk of the disease.