International Association for Energy Economics, The Energy Journal, 01(32)
DOI: 10.5547/issn0195-6574-ej-vol32-si1-12
International Association for Energy Economics, The Energy Journal, 01(32)
DOI: 10.5547/issn0195-6574-ej-vol32-nosi-12
International Association for Energy Economics, The Energy Journal, 1s(32)
DOI: 10.5547/issn0195-6574-ej-vol33-si1-12
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This paper assesses the impact of French policies for residential spaceheating energy consumption, both enacted (tax credits for the purchase of energy efficient durables, soft loans for retrofitting actions, stringent building codes) and anticipated (carbon tax, retrofitting obligation). It uses a hybrid energy-economy model incorporating specific features of energy conservation, notably the rebound effect and some "barriers" to energy efficiency such as split incentives and imperfect information. Forward-looking simulations show that (i) stand-alone policies improve the energy efficiency of the building stock but, with the exception of carbon tax, generate a rebound effect; (ii) interactions among instruments are roughly additive; (iii) a combination of all policies fails to meet Government conservation targets. Copyright ©2011 by the IAEE.