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Research in Neurospora crassa pioneered the isolation of clock-controlled genes (ccgs), and more than 180 ccgs have been identified that function in various aspects of the fungal life cycle. Many clock-controlled genes are associated with damage repair, stress responses, intermediary metabolism, protein synthesis, and development. The expression of most of these genes peaks just before dawn and appears to prepare the cells for the desiccation, mutagenesis, and stress caused by sunlight. Progress on characterization of the output signaling pathways from the circadian oscillator mechanism to the ccgs is discussed. The authors also review evidence suggesting that, similar to other clock model organisms, a connection exists between the redox state of the cell and the Neurospora clock. The authors speculate that the clock system may sense not only light but also the redox potential of the cell through one of the PAS domains of the core clock components WC-1 or WC-2.