American Scientific Publishers, Science of Advanced Materials, 3(4), p. 497-500, 2012
Full text: Unavailable
We obtained a nanocomposite of silver nanoparticles embedded in a graphitic carbon matrix by laser ablation of an Ag plate in toluene solution. The AgNP nanocomposite has been characterized by UV–vis spectroscopy, micro–Raman spectroscopy and HRTEM analysis. AgNP surface plasmon resonance (SPR) is quenched by the carbon matrix, but it can be easily restored by thermal oxidation in air of the matrix. The synthesis procedure is very fast and easy and the matrix prevents AgNP aggregation and growth. The solid nanocomposite can be obtained either as a film or as a bulk sample simply by evaporating the solvent. This technique can be easily adopted for several types of metals.