The alpine level of Parâng Mountains is situated at altitudes higher than 1800 m a.s.l. over a surface of about 133 km2 (18.3%) of the whole environment covered by these mountains. The present-day relief modelling within this environment is conditioned by the variety of the climatic, bio-pedo-geographic and geomorphologic conditions superposing the lithological and structural substratum – tectonically complex, which induces a diversified morphodynamic potential. The anthropic activity adds to these conditions, representing a determining link in the geographic system of Parâng Mountains alpine level. In the identification and mapping of the present-day geomorphological processes, the genetic criterion was followed. The following types were identified in the alpine level of Parâng Mountains: periglacial processes and landforms (congelifraction, soil creep, periglacial elevation), nival processes (avalanches), wind-induced processes (eolization), gravitational processes (rock collapsing and rolling), pluvial and torrential processes (surface washing, rain-wash, torrentiality), fluvial processes (erosion and accumulation), along with biogenic and anthropic processes. There is a remarkable diversity of the present-day processes and of the resulted landforms, conditioned by altitude and by the morphoclimatic characteristics specific to the high mountains, framing within the level of the periglacial processes.