Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Ciência Rural, 1(41), p. 164-170, 2011
DOI: 10.1590/s0103-84782011000100027
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The life cycle of Argas (Persicargas) miniatus in adult stage was studied in controlled conditions (27±1°C and 80±10% RH) and uncontrolled temperature and humidity conditions (room conditions during wet and dry season). Males originated preferentially from N2 and females from N3. Females in controlled conditions laid eggs up to 18 times, while females in uncontrolled room conditions, during wet and dry seasons, laid eggs 9 to 12 times, respectively. In controlled conditions, females laid 1350 eggs, whereas in uncontrolled conditions females laid 443 eggs during the wet season and 894 eggs during the dry season. Male ticks survived without feeding for 165 days in controlled conditions and 135 days in uncontrolled conditions, while females survived for 300 days in controlled conditions and 240 days in uncontrolled conditions. In ambient conditions, biological parameters of Argas (Persicargas) miniatus adult stage were negatively affected especially during the wet season when compared with adult stage kept in controlled condition.