The methodology applied in the research in Serra da Estrela (Potttlgal} is to integrate glacial and pcriglacial gcomorphological data in a Geographical Information System and a Database Management System. The main objective of thc procedure is to make use of low cost software for geospatial data integration, statistical analysis and production of geomorphoEogicd mag. The digital storage format provides the means for fast access and easy tmnsportation of Ule data during field cnmpaigns. It is also a very useful way to store the geomorphologicui data, so it can be used in the future by other researchers working in the area GonpIa Teles Yreim, Centm de Estrrdas Geogr&cm, Unhvrsidade de Lisboa, Faculdade & L e m , CiAde Universitnriu, 160IF214 L~sboa, Por~ugol; e-maib (received: