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2009 IEEE Radar Conference

DOI: 10.1109/radar.2009.4977140



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SweepSAR: Beam-forming on receive using a reflector-phased array feed combination for spaceborne SAR

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We have seen in the above that the SweepSAR technique offers the potential for significant reductions in the transmit peak and average power required for a SAR system. This is achieved by making full use of the areal extent of a reflector antenna on receive. The SweepSAR rate is not as big a problem as it might appear initially: note that in the 30 years since Seasat launched downlink rates for LEO satellites have increased significantly - from ~85 Mbps up to ~640 Mbps. In addition, analog-to digital converters (ADCs) have increased in bandwidth from ~ 20 MHz to several GHz. In this paper, an alternative approach is described that is suited for longer wavelength SARs in particular, employing a large, deployable reflector antenna and a much simpler phased array feed. To illuminate a wide swath, a substantial fraction of the phased array feed is excited on transmit to sub-illuminate the reflector. Shorter transmit pulses are required than for conventional SAR. On receive, a much smaller portion of the phased array feed is used to collect the return echo, so that a greater portion of the reflector antenna area is used. The locus of the portion of the phased array used on receive is adjusted using an analog beam steering network, to 'sweep' the receive beam(s) across the illuminated swath, tracking the return echo. This is similar in some respects to the whiskbroom approach to optical sensors, hence the name: SweepSAR. SweepSAR has advantages over conventional SAR in that it requires less transmit power, and if the receive beam is narrow enough, it is relatively immune to range ambiguities. Compared to direct radiating arrays with digital beam-forming, it is much simpler to implement, uses currently available technologies, is better suited for longer wavelength systems, and does not require extremely high data rates or onboard processing.