IOP Publishing, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 47(27), p. 479501, 2015
DOI: 10.1088/0953-8984/27/47/479501
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There was a typographical error in the caption for figure 2 on page 5 of our article 'Charge optimized many-body (COMB) potential for dynamical simulation of Ni–Al phases' (2015 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 27 336302). The interface was incorrectly labeled as the (1 1 0) interface. The first part of the caption should be 'Simulation setup of a (0 1 0) interface of Ni and Ni3Al with a total of 179 600 atoms after relaxation. Misfit dislocations indicated by white lines are predicted to form.' The rest of the description provided in the caption remains unchanged. Additionally, the same error should be corrected on the 2nd to last line of Page 5 where the interface should be the (0 1 0) interface of Ni and Ni3Al. On the same page (second paragraph of section 3.2.2), this error resulted in an incorrect comparison with Zhu et al who considered the (1 1 0) interface and not the (0 1 0) interface. The discussion section and the conclusions of the paper are unaffected by the error.