European Geosciences Union, The Cryosphere, 5(10), p. 2217-2239, 2016
European Geosciences Union, Cryosphere Discussions, p. 1-54
DOI: 10.5194/tc-2015-202
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The sea ice concentration (SIC) derived from satellite microwave brightness temperature (TB) data are known to be less accurate during summer melt conditions – in the Arctic Ocean primarily because of the impact of melt ponds on sea ice. Using data from June to August 2009, we investigate how TBs and SICs vary as a function of the ice surface fraction (ISF) computed from open water fraction and melt pond fraction both derived from satellite optical reflectance data. SIC is computed from TBs using a set of eight different retrieval algorithms and applying a consistent set of tie points. We find that TB values change during sea ice melt non-linearly and not monotonically as a function of ISF for ISF of 50 to 100 %. For derived parameters such as the polarization ratio at 19 GHz the change is monotonic but substantially smaller than theoretically expected. Changes in ice/snow radiometric properties during melt also contribute to the TB changes observed; these contributions are functions of frequency and polarization and have the potential to partly counter-balance the impact of changing ISF on the observed TBs. All investigated SIC retrieval algorithms overestimate ISF when using winter tie points. The overestimation varies among the algorithms as a function of ISF such that the SIC retrieval algorithms could be categorized into two different classes. These reveal a different degree of ISF overestimation at high ISF and an opposite development of ISF over-estimation as ISF decreases. For one class, correlations between SIC and ISF are ≥ 0.85 and the associated linear regression lines suggest an exploitable relationship between SIC and ISF if reliable summer sea ice tie points can be established. This study shows that melt ponds are interpreted as open water by the SIC algorithms, while the concentration of ice between the melt ponds is in general being overestimated. These two effects may cancel each other out and thus produce seemingly correct SIC for the wrong reasons. This cancelling effect will in general only be "correct" at one specific value of MPF. Based on our findings we recommend to not correct SIC algorithms for the impact of melt ponds as this seems to violate physical principles. Users should be aware that the SIC algorithms available at the moment retrieve a combined parameter presented by SIC in winter and ISF in summer.