Elsevier, Studies in Educational Evaluation, 4(31), p. 347-357, 2005
DOI: 10.1016/j.stueduc.2005.11.004
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This study was conducted to provide further information regarding factors associated with educational evaluation, using a qualitative approach. Fitly-five interviews were carried out with school principals. The results of the present study supported the notion that the qualitative methods could provide information that quantitative procedures could not. Additionally, the findings also provided useful information for solving problems in OEP implementation and enhanced decision-making by indicating points of the program that should be improved. The Olympic Education Program (OEP) has been implemented in all Greek school levels since 2000 and about 2000 physical education teachers have worked on this project. The goals of the OEP are that students: (a) learn the history of the Olympic games; (b) ensure the principles and values of sports (fair play, respect for rules, respect for co-athletes, etc.); (c) understand the importance of the games for our country; (d) realize the essential role of volunteerism in the success of the games; (e) develop skills related to behavioral control, and (f) learn about the importance of exercise in health (Kioumourtzoglou, Theodorakis, Avgerinos, Kellis, Papacharisis, & Hassandra, 2001). The Greek OEP consisted of theoretical, cultural and physical activities in an extra-curricular schedule. Theoretical activities are lectures, video projections, or assignments for students about issues relating to the history of the games, important themes of the modern and ancient Olympics, etc. Cultural activities are musical and theatrical performances, with