A large study on Gomphonema EHRENBERG species from Macedonia recently has been started. In this article two species are presented having unique set of characters than already known species and therefore are described as new species. The comparison was made using type material of G. brebissonii KÜTZING and G. gautieri (VAN HEURCK) LANGE-BERTALOT et METZELTIN. Gomphonema scardicum sp. nov. resembles G. montanum (SCHUMANN) Grunow and G. brebissonii KÜTZING with respect to the valve outline and size. Main differential characters of G. scardicum are the cuneate shape of the headpole and less pronounced constriction near the head pole. Similarly, G. gautieriforme sp. nov. differs from G. gautieri with respect to the valve outline and the shape of the head pole. The valves of G. gautieriforme are almost rhombic in outline and gradually narrowing towards the footpole. The head pole of G. gautieriforme is rounded and cuneate opposite to truncate and apiculate in G. gautieri.