Dissemin is shutting down on January 1st, 2025

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Elsevier, Journal of Biotechnology, 1(94), p. 3-13, 2002

DOI: 10.1016/s0168-1656(01)00415-1



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Large scale analysis of sequences from Neurospora crassa

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Data provided by SHERPA/RoMEO


After 50 years of analysing Neurospora crassa genes one by one large scale sequence analysis has increased the number of accessible genes tremendously in the last few years. Being the only filamentous fungus for which a comprehensive genomic sequence database is publicly accessible N. crassa serves as the model for this important group of microorganisms. The MIPS N. crassa database currently holds more than 16 Mb of non-redundant data of the chromosomes II and V analysed by the German Neurospora Genome Project. This represents more than one-third of the genome. Open reading frames (ORFs) have been extracted from the sequence and the deduced proteins have been annotated extensively. They are classified according to matches in sequence databases and attributed to functional categories according to their relatives. While 41% of analysed proteins are related to known proteins, 30% are hypothetical proteins with no match to a database entry. The entire genome is expected to comprise some 13000 protein coding genes, more than twice as many as found in yeasts, and reflects the high potential of filamentous fungi to cope with various environmental conditions.