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A non conventional source or receiver of THz and above THz electromagnetic radiation is proposed. Specifically, electron or hole oscillations in DNA dimers (two interacting DNA base-pairs or monomers) are predicted, with frequency in the range 0.25–100 THz (period 10–4000 fs) i.e. potentially absorbing or emitting electromagnetic radiation mainly in the mid- and far-infrared with wavelengths ≈ 3–1200 μm. The efficiency of charge transfer between the two monomers which make up the dimer is described with the maximum transfer percentage p and the pure maximum transfer rate . For dimers made of identical monomers , but for dimers made of different monomers . The investigation is extended to DNA trimers (three interacting DNA base-pairs or monomers). For trimers made of identical monomers the carrier oscillates periodically with 0.5–33 THz ( 30–2000 fs); for 0 times crosswise purines , for 1 or 2 times crosswise purines . For trimers made of different monomers the carrier movement may be non periodic. Generally, increasing the number of monomers above three, the system becomes more complex and periodicity is lost; even for the simplest tetramer the carrier movement is not periodic.