Wiley, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 9(78), p. 1037-1075, 2008
DOI: 10.1002/nme.2516
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The poor performance of some reinforced concrete (RC) structures during strong earthquakes has alerted about the need of improving their seismic behavior, especially when they are designed according to obsolete codes and show low structural damping, important second-order effects and low ductility, among other defects. These characteristics allow proposing the use of energy-dissipating devices for improving their seismic behavior. In this work, the non-linear dynamic response of RC buildings with energy dissipators is studied using advanced computational techniques. A fully geometric and constitutive non-linear model for the description of the dynamic behavior of framed structures is developed. The model is based on the geometrically exact formulation for beams in finite deformation. Points on the cross section are composed of several simple materials. The mixing theory is used to treat the resulting composite. A specific type of element is proposed for modeling the dissipators including the corresponding constitutive relations. Special attention is paid to the development of local and global damage indices for describing the performance of the buildings. Finally, numerical tests are presented for validating the ability of the model for reproducing the non-linear seismic response of buildings with dissipators. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.