Elsevier, Forest Ecology and Management, 2-3(201), p. 335-347, 2004
DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2004.07.015
Full text: Unavailable
To achieve sustainability of a forest system it is necessary to apply appropriate silvicultural management, including preservation measures. The characterization of the status and development of the harvested stands, as well as the timber potential of the unmanaged ones, is necessary to achieve a sustainable forest management. In southern Patagonia, Nothofagus forests are the basis for the sawmill industry. Since European colonization, different silvicultural management regimes have been applied in primary forests. Forestry policies and available sawmill technologies have also been involved. There is little knowledge about the consequences of the different silvicultural systems implemented, as well as about the regeneration status of the harvested stands and future possibilities of the managed forests. The objective of this work is to analyse the logged, affected from harvesting and current forest structures, as well as the regeneration development during the last 40 years and the consequences derived to forests of southern Patagonia.