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American Physical Society, Physical Review Letters, 19(111), 2013

DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.111.197203



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Prethermalization in a Nonintegrable Quantum Spin Chain after a Quench

Journal article published in 2013 by Matteo Marcuzzi, Jamir Marino, Andrea Gambassi, Alessandro Silva ORCID
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We study the dynamics of a quantum Ising chain after the sudden introduction of a nonintegrable long-range interaction. Via an exact mapping onto a fully connected lattice of hard-core bosons, we show that a prethermal state emerges and we investigate its features by focusing on a class of physically relevant observables. In order to gain insight into the eventual thermalization, we outline a diagrammatic approach which complements the study of the previous quasistationary state and provides the basis for a self-consistent solution of the kinetic equation. This analysis suggests that both the temporal decay towards the prethermal state and the crossover to the eventual thermal one may occur algebraically.