IOP Publishing, Nanotechnology, 15(23), p. 155302
DOI: 10.1088/0957-4484/23/15/155302
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Anodic porous alumina nanostructures have been fabricated with tapered and cylindrical pores with a spacing of 100 and 200 nm and depth of 180-500 nm. The porous nanostructures were replicated into polymer films to create a moth-eye anti-reflecting surface by a roll-to-roll UV replication process. The angle dependent optical transmission of the resulting polymer films exhibited up to a 2% increase in transmission at a normal angle and up to a 5% increase in transmission at a 70° angle of incidence to an equivalent film with a surface replicated from polished aluminum. No significant difference was observed between the optical performance of moth-eye surfaces formed from cylindrical and tapered nano-pores.