Elsevier, Journal of Supercritical Fluids, (107), p. 270-277
DOI: 10.1016/j.supflu.2015.09.019
Full text: Unavailable
tLiquid and supercritical CO2has been used to extract the remaining fat content from rendered fish meal.The effect of pressure (10–40 MPa) and temperature (25–80◦C) on the extraction kinetics and extractionyield has been investigated as well as the effect on the rendered fish meal. The extraction curves areinitially linear with a slope close to the oil solubility value in pressurized CO2. Based on previous fishoil solubility data reported in the literature, a general equation has been proposed to correlate fish oilsolubility data as a function of temperature and density of CO2. Fish meal has been characterized beforeand after extraction by determining the fat and protein content and its colour. Toxic trace elements havebeen also determined by ICP-MS in the fish meal showing that most of the toxic elements remained inthe fish meal after extraction. Characterization of extracted oil was also performed by determining thefatty acid group composition and some physical parameters such as colour ; Spanish Government through MINECO (CTQ2012-39131-C02-01). To SARVAL for supplying the fish meal. S.L.B.acknowledges support by the Secretary of Education Public ofMexico for the fellowship through PROMEP program and Tech-nological University of Morelia