American Geophysical Union, Geophysical Research Letters, 1(28), p. 191-194, 2001
DOI: 10.1029/2000gl011580
Full text: Unavailable
We present a global 1-km albedo dataset derived from Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) satellite remote sensing data, a global land cover classifica-tion and field observations of typical land surface bidirec-tional reflectance distribution functions (BRDFs). There is a clear need for such a global albedo map for use in atmo-spheric radiative transfer models. A land cover classification based on surface structure is employed and class correspon-dences used to generate a structural class map from an exist-ing ecological global land classification. Representative field measurements of BRDF are assigned to each of the struc-tural classes allowing us to retrieve BRDF shape parame-ters and albedo for each class using a semiempirical model. These parameters were adjusted using global AVHRR data to account for intra-class variations of surface reflectance. Albedos were calculated from the adjusted parameters and summarised by land cover type, continent and season.