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Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, p. 273-292

DOI: 10.1007/10720327_16



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Combined Static and Dynamic Assertion-Based Debugging of Constraint Logic Programs

Proceedings article published in 1999 by Germán Puebla, Francisco Bueno, Manuel V. Hermenegildo ORCID
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We propose a general framework for assertion-based debugging of constraint logic programs. Assertions are linguistic constructions for expressing properties of programs. We define several assertion schemas for writing (partial) specifications for constraint logic programs using quite general properties, including user-defined programs. The framework is aimed at detecting deviations of the program behavior (symptoms) with respect to the given assertions, either at compile-time (i.e., statically) or run-time (i.e., dynamically). We provide techniques for using information from global analysis both to detect at compile-time assertions which do not hold in at least one of the possible executions (i.e., static symptoms) and assertions which hold for all possible executions (i.e., statically proved assertions). We also provide program transformations which introduce tests in the program for checking at run-time those assertions whose status cannot be determined at compile-time. Both the static and the dynamic checking are provably safe in the sense that all errors flagged are definite violations of the specifications. Finally, we report briefly on the currently implemented instances of the generic framework.