Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, (11), p. 281-284, 2012
DOI: 10.1109/lawp.2012.2190029
Full text: Unavailable
A finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) modeling of the wave propagation in a Cole–Cole dispersive media is presented. Since the empirical Debye and Lorentz models are not accurate for the representation of the frequency dependence of some dispersive media terms, the Cole–Cole dispersion relation was used to model the electromagnetic properties of biological tissues. The main problem in time-domain modeling of the Cole–Cole model is the approximation of the fractional derivatives that appear in the model equation. Researchers face this problem by approximating the Cole–Cole terms (poles) by a sum of Debye terms or by a sum of decaying exponentials or by polynomials. The accuracy of these models depends on the number of terms needed to model each Cole–Cole term, which may consume large amounts of time and memory. In this letter, all the FDTD fields are approximated by a linear function of time that has a closed form for its fractional derivative. The proposed scheme is considered the more general scheme that has the capability to model $n$th-order Debye and Cole–Cole models. The scheme is a straightforward extension that can deal with other models such as Lorenz, Drude, and the chiral media. Promising results are observed when calculating the reflection coefficient at an air/muscle material interface. The SAR distribution within a Cole–Cole equivalent brain spherical material excited by an infinitesimal dipole is calculated and compared to the normal FDTD at 900 MHz.