EMBO Press, EMBO Reports, 9(15), p. 991-999, 2014
Full text: Unavailable
Regulatory T cells (Tregs) control autoreactive T cells by inhibiting activation-induced proliferation and cytokine expression. The molecular mechanisms responsible for the inactivation of effector T cells by Tregs remain yet to be fully characterized. We report that T-helper cells stimulated in the presence of Tregs quickly activate NFAT1 and have increased NFAT1-dependent expression of the transcription repressor Ikaros. NFAT1 deficiency or dominant-negative Ikaros compromises Treg-mediated inhibition of T-helper cells in vitro and in vivo. Thus, our results place NFAT-dependent mechanisms as general regulators of T-cell tolerance and show that Treg-mediated suppression of T-helper cells results from the activation of NFAT-regulated gene expression.